Press Features

Need an expert in the home organization field for your article or podcast? I’d love to be your go-to girl! Check out my previous features and learn how to contact me for a quote or to book a interview.

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Health Magazine | April 2021

Getting Organized
Organizing Beauty Products

“Mary’s tip: When you open a product, write the date on it so you know how long you’ve had it. Doing this helps me shop more intentionally. If I haven’t touched a new fast mask, it’s a good indication that I don’t need another one even when a tempting Insta ad pops up.”

Real Simple | June 2020

A Primer for Paint Storage
- Organizing Leftover Paint -

Martha Stewart Living December 2021

Good Travelers
- Multitasking Toiletries to Simplify Packing

“Mary’s tip: When you open a product, write the date on it so you know how long you’ve had it. Doing this helps me shop more intentionally. If I haven’t touched a new fast mask, it’s a good indication that I don’t need another one even when a tempting Insta ad pops up.”